Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let's Java

For those who care, Java is a fully object oriented programming language, that is in some ways similar to c++ but in fact very different from it. Today I start my "Let's Learn Together" Java journey that will hopefully take us through the basics to advanced concepts such as 2-D and 3-D graphics, component models, remote method invocation, distributed objects, and networking, security management etc. Somehow, we'll get there.

The pace of this java caravan depends on the travellers (us) and we'll agree on how fast we go as we go.

Primarily, I use the following material for learning and referencing:
  1. The Java Tutorial which is also available for download at
  2. The Java Platform API Specification (Java Class Libraries)
  3. The Java Language Specification also available for download at
You can also get many other reading and reference materials at
or download PDF docs.